Things I like... songbirds in trees, the unknown, vintage Christian Dior, rosegold, breakfast in bed, morning snuggles, vintage Chanel purses, bears, little getaways with those you love, violins, staying up late and laughing with friends, the ballet, sundresses, family lunches during the middle of the week, climbing trees, bicycles, wearing flowers in your hair, trivia, delicate little hats from the 1950's, mysterious circumstances, fries, knitting, Jane Austen, remembering to be grateful for all the little things, soft brown leather jackets, music, the colour green, dancing when nobody is around, high heels, smiling, vintage italian cars, Romance by Ralph Lauren, silk and chiffon, the Alps, and good wine with great friends.
Things I dislike.... ungratefulness, uncool bed head, long lines, no second chances (everyone deserves another), biochemistry tests, pickled mango, butterfingers, getting a flat tire, going up steep hills on a bike, the weird smell in my car, cleaning the litterbox, sausage leg, arguments, pickles, long lost friends, bed crumbles (yes, this is MAINLY my fault), hurt feelings, clones, mean girls, & helpless animals.
I'm not very good at bios, so I decided to take excerpts and quotes from my blogs and diary for the last 10 years that very accurately describe me and my personality...
I embarrassed myself in front of strangers, nothing new... those who know me think this is cute. No, it is not.
I planted wildflowers today, named them all.
I like Dala horses and jam.
Saw lots of lemurs at the lemur center, banana on stilts.
I gave him Carl the smoking doughnut as a gift.
I want to go to the zoo, dance.
We started off the night with grilled cheese and soup.
I've cried twice today. Just spontaniously.
I need more cupcakes....but I ate them all.
My circle of friends is extremely small. Life is way too short to waste time on those who don't care about you (and spell checking).
Good riddance. $David Hasselhoff$
Well, I should be studying for my Physics test in 7 hours....but I'm not. Ugh! I drank too much coffee and can't go to sleep. Blah, blah, blah, blah. I need some new music.
I actually stood less than 2ft. away from a goose this week. I'm making progress.
Drama Llama, OH NOES!
The important part however is the tasting of La Mort Subite (a beer called sudden death).
I do not like quantitative chemistry and I've become addicted to Project Runway......YAY.
"Drunk Skunk" kept offering us car bombs and he was soooo drunk, but wanted more. We had to accept, you don't want to be rude.
I am not cool. Sorry if I fooled you.
An Amendment to "Boyfriends are always right". - They are except when they talk about how girlfriends dance. I DO NOT dance like that!
The highlights were the wonderful waterfalls we hiked up to, the mountain, and Don the fat cracker loving duck.
I am so sorry you are so bitter. Just let it go.
When I walk around campus and an upbeat dance-y song starts to play on my ipod I feel the strongest urge to clap and jive along, today, I did it....people stared at me like I was insane.
You bother me and you smell.
Viva La Gummybears!!!
I want Lilly's pizza and apple juice.
Current mood:
aggravated. Today, The US president made me late for Physics.

I'm thinking about cats, dogs, hospitals, laGrange multipliers, tulips, and the word seriatim.
I just got back from bowling with my highest score was a 61 (I rule!)